Friday, January 22, 2010

Me And Edward;

Have been married for a happy two years now!! (: i love you edward<3 you are my life now.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Empire State of Mind II;

Is my new fave song.

Empire state of mind II -Alicia Keys, <3

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Wedding Day;

I'm doing this, the very girl who swore I should never marry xD

The Wedding Dress: (In two views)

Hair Style:

Shoes & Garter:

 Flower Bouquet:
Head Stuff: [ Wow shows how much effort i have xD ]


Bridesmaids dresses, shoes, etc.:

(Their Hair)

Flower Girl stuff:
^^^um not that hair

Cake Topper!: (and others) 

Reception Dress and Shoes: 

Honeymoon (Paris): 

The bathroom ^-^


Friday, January 15, 2010

Collector's Item Teaser;

I walked around looking for the room having to deal with the laughing –not to mention the staring– and finally gave up. I could just ask someone if they know where it is.

I looked down at the paper and walked forward. I looked up and ran into someone. I looked up at the boy and sighed.

“I’m sorry, I was looking at my paper, and I’m new here so I didn’t know where anything was.” I tried to explain.

He smiled and his white teeth blinded me for a brief second. His hair was in his face and was brown with red. His face had no freckles and his eyes were an emerald green.

On your first day Claire, this is not the person to run into.

He chuckled and shook it head. “You don’t have to elucidate, I think I’ve got it down.”

I nodded and bit my lip. So I’m off the hook this time. “Well, I have to try to find the History class room, so yeah.”

I turned looking at the paper and saw it was right in front of me on the printed layout of the school. I looked up and saw the class room I had wanted.


I heard the boy chuckle again and he opened the door for me. “Ladies first?” He said.

I bit my lip again and walked through the open door. I walked over to an empty seat and I saw the boy sit next to me.

He didn’t look at me but I knew that he acknowledged I was there.

I coughed and looked at the teacher who wrote his name on the chalk board

“Good morning class.” The teacher –Mrs. Henson¬, – said.

Everyone muttered as if they had better things to do with their time. Which they probably did.

“We are finishing off learning about the Bill of Rights,” She said. “From yesterday.”

I looked down at my hands in my lap and nodded. I really wished I could be at home at this time, considering I had studied this subject a couple thousand times.

I sighed and looked up at Mrs. Henson and tried to remember everything.
I sat there for all of class listening to her boring voice go on and on with no change.

When class ended I wanted to scream with joy and run out but I waited for everyone to clear and walked into the hallway.

I pulled out the packet and looked for my next class. I heard someone clear their throat and I turned slightly to see who it was. I saw the boy that I had ran into earlier leaning against the lockers staring at me.

I looked around to see if there was anyone near me and I saw lots of people. He must be trying to get their attention, not mine.

I walked forward a bit still trying to figure out where to go when I saw the boy walk next to me.

“Yes, I was trying to get your attention.” He said smiling. My mouth dropped a bit and I looked back down at the papers.

“That’s great; I’m lost. Do you know where the Biology lab is?” I asked perplexed. Why did he honestly want my attention? I wasn’t the grand, and in fact I had run into him today.

He chuckled and shook his head. “Just stick with me, I’ll show you everything.”
There a little snip of my book (: like it?

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It doesn't make any sense!

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Scrabble Babble;

Lookee, i took these pichers the other night, awesome ehh? Making one coral, no worries!
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